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Media Production

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Digital Media Production Cambridge Technical Extended Certificate

Equivalent to one A Level

The creative industry, which includes film and television, is one of the biggest industries in the UK.  This vocational course is designed to provide you with the relevant knowledge and skills to pursue one of the many careers in this industry.

So, if you are thinking of being a documentary filmmaker or setting up your own YouTube channel, this course could be the one for you.

What does the course involve?

The course is intended to be as practical as possible. The options chosen all relate to skills involved in the production of audio visual media such as short films, music videos, and sound broadcasts. This also includes elements of pre-production, production and post-production. 

Year One

  • Media Products and Audiences (External Assessment)

Develop your understanding of how different media institutions operate in order to create products that will appeal to specific target audiences.

  • Create a Media Product (Internal Assessment)

Here you will be taking an audio-visual product through pre-production, production and post-production.

  • Scripting for Media Products (Interal Assessment)

You will generate an idea for a new film script or TV drama in response to a client brief.

Media Production

Media Production

Year Two

  • Pre-Production and Planning (External Assesment)

Working from a brief you will learn how to understand the factors that need to be considered during the planning of a new media product.

  • Advertising Media (Internal Assessment)

Advertising media is around us on a daily basis, from billboards in the street to adverts daily on the television. You will plan and create an advert to a client brief.

  • Planning and Deliver a Pitch for a Media Product (Internal Assessment)

Media products don't just exist. There is much work to be done before the product is finally consumed by an audience. Working from a brief, you will create a proposal and pitch for a new audio-visual product. 


In addition to doing some location shooting and recordings, visits will be arranged to professional media companies and exhibitions.

What can you do after the course?

This course will be useful to those students wishing to take a media, film journalism or media production related degree or apprenticeship/employment in the field/industry.

Wilfy talks about studying Digital Media Production