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Sport & Exercise Science

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Sport & Exercise Science BTEC National Diploma

Equivalent to two A Levels

This course is a detailed study of sport and exercise science which looks at theoretical aspects including exercise physiology, biomechanics and research methods to name a few.

The course is primarily theory based with some applied practical units and makes up for two thirds of the Level 3 Programme of Study.

Sport & Exercise Science

Sport & Exercise Science

What will I learn?

You will study the scientific aspects sport and exercise, including learning about body systems, how each body system works and adapts to exercise and training. You will learn how science and technology aid improvements in sport and exercise performance through the completion of 8 units over two years of study.

You will become a more organised individual through the high level of self-discipline required to meet the stringent assignment deadlines; you will also benefit from having exposure to a small amount of final examinations.

You will develop the ability to question and research associated topics and will be able to access support both within and outside the College environment.

Sport & Exercise Science

Sport & Exercise Science

What does the course involve?

There are nine units of work across a range of topics within the sport and sports industry. 

The units will be assessed using a variety of methods, which will include examination, controlled assessments and assignments.  You will be required to pass all units.

You will become a more organised individual through the high level of self discipline needed to meet the stringent assignment deadlines. You will also develop your questioning and research skills.

Year One

  • Functional Anatomy (External Assessment)
  • Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology (External Assessment)
  • Coaching for Performance and Fitness (Internal Assessment)
  • Specialised Fitness Training (Internal Assessment)

Year Two

  • Sport and Exercise Physiology (External Assessment)
  • Biomechanics in Sport and Exercise Science (Internal Assessment)
  • Applied Research Methods (Internal Assessment)
  • Field and Lab Based Fitness Testing (Internal Assessment).

All of your work will contribute to your final grade therefore you must be prepared to work hard throughout the two years.

You will be supported through a dedicated tutorial system, which is designed to maximise  your chances of achieving your target grade and chosen progression route.

What can you do after the course?

This qualification has wide currency for both higher education and employment and is universally accepted. You can expect to gain competitive first choice offers from the major higher education establishments.

Possible careers include all sport related careers such as coaching and sports development, teaching and coaching, physiotheraphy and sports therapy as well as the armed forces, the police and the fire service.