2025 Oxbridge Success at Hereford Sixth Form College
Posted on 17th February 2025

Oxbridge offer holders 2025
Hereford Sixth Form students have received 19 offers for the prestigious universities of Oxford and Cambridge this January, which represents 39 % of those who applied, against a national average of around 12% applicant to offer ratio.
The college’s ‘Reach’ programme helps 300 students consider top universities and apprenticeships, and then some choose to apply early for Oxford and Cambridge. A particular strength this year has been the college’s Maths applicants, with 4 offers. The college provides extra tuition lessons so students can take the demanding Advanced Extension Award to signal their excellence at undergraduate level Maths, which means Hereford’s students can be competitive in the hugely demanding admissions tests. Tom B, formerly of Chantry School, said: "Turning my passion and aptitude for Maths into university offers was seamless and enjoyable!”
Yet the Humanities applicants have also excelled. Jago, (formerly of St. Mary’s) has an offer for Geography. He said that “Reach support has been excellent. I don’t know how I would have done without it.” Marcus, (Worcester Royal Grammar) said: "The extensive support offered by Reach - from assistance with personal statements to interview preparation - proved invaluable in securing my Oxford offer. I discovered my desire to study Russian alongside German!”
Both the college’s Medicine applicants received offers, and Sai, formerly of Malvern College, said: “I had lots of help accessing work experience and extra-curricular opportunities which gave me a lot to speak about, and Dr Phil Evans has been helpful and available with interview prepping”. Yet the college continues to encourage students to apply for a wide range of courses, from Economics and Management, to two students who have offers for Classics.
A huge development for the college has been creating a network of over 250 alum students who support and mentor current applicants on the Reach programme. Students who have interviews for universities such as Oxford and Cambridge, but also Manchester, Imperial and others, have an evening workshop with alum students, so they are well prepared in an increasingly competitive environment. After 14 weeks of Reach lessons, students know they are well prepared for university applications, to compete with the top private schools.
Students on Reach have bespoke lessons from a team of experts, but are overseen by Dr Phil Evans, (Medics, vets and dentist support), and Vicky Orsmond, creator of the Reach programme. Vicky said: “to get thirty nine percent of our Oxbridge students offers is amazing, and shows the right students are applying. But I am proud of all my Reach cohort. They know they are world class, competing with the best of the best.”
The following students have been offered places at The University of Cambridge:
- Ava J
- Hazel B
- Isabelle P
The following students have been offered places at The University of Oxford:
- Theo K
- Thomas B
- Alexander FS
- Rosa L
- Ava N
- Theo T
- Joseph C
- Tsvety M
- Sai W
- Dana P
- Jago F
- Jai W
- Georgia C
- Jessica P
- Gilbert B
- Marcus B