Online Payments, Fees and Charges
Online Payments

If you have a ParentPay account you can make payments to the College via this link: ParentPay
There is also a Popular Link to ParentPay at the bottom of every webpage.
Tuition Fees
Tuition fees are not payable if students have ordinarily been resident in the United Kingdom for the previous three years (for reasons other than full-time study) and are under the age of 19 at the commencement of their course.
College fund
We invite parents to make a voluntary contribution of £75 to the College Fund.
The fund is used to contribute to scholarships and activities that are not funded centrally and to support students in hardship who do not qualify for help from the 16-19 Bursary Fund. It is also used to support some student facilities. The executor is the Principal acting on behalf of the Governing Body.
Examination fees
No charge is made for examination entries in subjects that students follow as part of their College course, unless they fail to achieve certain minimum standards of work and attendance.
If students wish to sit an examination against the advice of their tutors, or if they wish to resit a unit, there will be a charge.
If students fail, without good reason, to sit an examination for which the College has paid the fees, they will be required to reimburse the College for those fees.
Failure to meet a payment deadline will result in an additional late fee.
Trips and visits
Residential field trips are often organised by departments including, for example, Art, Biology, Business Studies, Geology, Geography, Modern Languages and Physical Education. Some of these study visits may be overseas. More information about trips and visits can be found in course information.
It is College policy to assist with the expenses of students who, because of evidenced financial hardship, would not otherwise be able to join in these activities. See Financial Support for more information.
Sports and Performing Arts Academies, Music Scholarships and the Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award
A parental contribution is requested for these programmes.
All students who live more than three miles from the College are eligible to apply for a bus or train pass through Herefordshire Council. See Student Travel for more information.
Overseas students
If you are an overseas or mature student, see Tuition Fees for more information.