Equality & Diversity
The College is a diverse community and we are proud of this!
The College will provide an inclusive, personalised learning and working environment in which students, staff and visitors are valued as individuals, according to their merits, abilities and potential.
Protected characteristics
There are a number of characteristics that are protected by the law, through the Equality Act, 2010.If you have any concerns about the protected characteristics across the college please email equality@hereford.ac.uk. As you will see, "Gender" is an umbrella term to refer to gender, parenting status, transgender and marital status. It also refers to sex.

Protected Characteristics
Our aim is to advance equality, tackle discrimination and foster good relations in the wider community, so you can talk to your Personal Tutor, your Lead Tutor or any member of the Well-Being Centre about any of these issues.
If you need some support...
Follow these links for more information about Learning Support and support for students with mental health and Well-being concerns. All LGBTQ+ students have the right to a named member of staff to discuss concerns with and we would welcome that: please contact your Personal Tutor who be happy to listen and support you in any way they can.
If you're trans or non-binary, please do let us know. We are very happy to have open conversations with you about anything you'd like, so please do get in contact with your Personal Tutor or your Lead Tutor or John Pratt jpp@hereford.ac.uk.
If you have a disability and would like to talk to someone about the support we can offer, please contact Emma Horton eh@hereford.ac.uk.
According to the Equality Act, 2010 a disability is a physical or mental impairment that has a 'substantial' and 'long-term' negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities. If you have any concerns about accessibility across the college please email equality@hereford.ac.uk
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Reports
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Report 2022-23
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy 2022-23
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Report 2021-22
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report 2021-22
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report 2020-21
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report and Accessibility Plan 2020-21
Equality Objectives 2022-23
Fundamental British Values
The College’s Prevent Strategy and Risk Assessment is updated annually and is available upon request from John Pratt jpp@hereford.ac.uk point of contact for Prevent.
Our successful and diverse community works so well because we promote Fundamental British Values alongside equality, diversity and inclusion. These values are:

Fundamental British Values
Prevent Duty - Reporting Extremism
Hate speech aginst particular groups in society can be the first steps towards illegal or terrorist behaviour. If you are worried about what someone is saying, either online or in real life, please email equality@hereford.ac.uk or jpp@hereford.ac.uk

We’re committed to making our website as accessible as possible to all audiences (including those with visual, hearing, cognitive or motor impairments) to meet its requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act.
Find out more about this on the Accessibility page.
Accessibility Statement - Website