Student Mental Health and Well-Being Adviser
The Student Mental Health and Well-Being Adviser provides a drop in service every day except Wednesdays from 12.45pm-1.45pm and is based in Room A160 in the Well-Being Centre (on the first floor of the Aconbury Building, above the Library and beside Langauges).

Sometimes students are concerned about their well-being, or perhaps they are worried about a friend or family member and need to talk things through with someone who is not a teacher or a parent.
To help students make informed decisions about the issues that affect their lives, the Well-Being and Mental Health Adviser provides confidential information, advice and support on a range of personal issues including sexual health, drug and alcohol support, housing, finance and benefits.
Thank you for all your help with my situation. You were very helpful and it was good to talk to somebody.

The Well-Being and Mental Health Adviser may sometimes make referrals (if necessary) to other staff in the College, such as the student's Director of Studies or the Counsellor, or to external agencies if additional support is required by the student.
Health Awareness is also promoted throughout the College year with regular events such as Mental Health Awareness Day and Drug/Alcohol Awareness Day.
Students can come to lunchtime Drop-In sessions every day except Wednesdays between 12.45pm to 1.45pm, in Room A160 in the Well-Being Centre (on the first floor of Aconbury Building, above the Library and besides Languages) or can contact the Well-Being Adviser by emailing or can ask a member of staff to arrange an appointment.