College Expectations
What you can expect from us:
We aim to provide an environment in which you can best achieve your personal goals. At all stages in your College career you may expect full consideration to be given to your personal circumstances. We hope and expect that you will, in turn, behave responsibly and thoughtfully, and make your own contribution to the well-being of the College and the standing it has in the wider community.
We take seriously any issues raised by students, parents and by others about any aspect of the College. If we are not able to solve the problem satisfactorily, there is a formal complaints procedure, details of which can be obtained from the College Reception.
As a student of Hereford Sixth Form College we expect you to:
See classroom attendance as your highest priority and attend punctually all timetabled activities including enrichment activities and appointments with personal tutors.
Account clearly for any absences or lateness when challenged sensitively and give an explanation at the end of the lesson or another convenient time.
Complete all work by agreed deadlines and to the best of your ability.
Take responsibility for your learning and participate actively in all learning activities including the review processes.
Seek help when you need it and take advantage of the support offered.
Co-operate with College staff and maintain socially acceptable standards of behaviour.
Play an active part in Equality and Diversity issues by, for example:
- reporting foul or abusive activity that is sexist, homophobic, racist or dis-criminatory in any other way;
- supporting the four Fundamental British Values – democracy, rule of law, tolerance and liberty;
- reporting all forms of bullying and harassment, including sexual harassment;
- challenging and reporting extremist behaviour or online extremism.
Involve yourself in wider College activities (e.g. sport, music, drama, debating, volunteering, work experience, subject enrichment, etc.).
Help to make Hereford Sixth Form College a safe and pleasant place for all.
If you have any concerns, these guidelines tell you who to contact:

College Expectations: Contacts
To view our Complaints Procedure please click here.